Cat and the Moon
Red Molly
Aoife O'Donovan
Amy Speace
Carrie Elkins
Barnaby Bright
Jerry Douglas
Maeve Ghilchrist
Twisted Pine
Roisin O
Shalin Liu
Heather Maloney
Jess Klein
Edie Carey
Mia Sharp
Jenna Moynihan & Mairi Chaimbeul
Danielle Maraglia
Molly Tuttle
Danielle Miraglia
Liz Longley
Suzy Bogguss
Sarah Sample
Rich Hanson
Concert Photos
Just published pictures from performances of some of the concerts we've attend in Feb and March. Pictures of Sonya Kitchell, Ollabelle, Karan Casey, Tom Rush and Janis Ian are now available on the
'Concert & Club Photos'
secion of the site. Taking pictures at concerts and music performance is something I've done for a long time. I have a ton of 35mm slides that I took in the pre digital era. These were taken in low light situations and I developed the film myself. Still have some undeveloped film that I've been carting around the country as we move. When my film SLR broke awhile back, I stopped taking pictures for awhile. Then in late 2002 I final got
decent digital camera
that could take pictures in the low light concert and club setting. Ever since I've taken pictures at every performance I've been. Once I've sorted through the shots taken at a concert I publish them on my website. When I started I got new pictures up within about a week of the performance. But then work and other parts of life got in the way and I now have a large back log of pictures from 2005. Taking pictues is the easy part. Sorting through 50 - 200 pictures per performance and picking out the best shots, making adjustments as necessary that's what takes the time. I'm going to try to work backwards from the last performance we say,
Janis Ian
on March 14. Until I catch up. We'll see if I can hold to this.
Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Rich Hanson. All rights reserved